
Wasteland 3 quirks
Wasteland 3 quirks

There’s also currently a bug in the game where if a character with this Quirk dies with a damage-over-time effect, they can’t be revived even out of combat. If your strength-based characters already don’t die often, what possible use could giving them more HP have? That said, the problem I have with this Quirk is the same reason I don’t see much of a problem with the downside. On high difficulties, I absolutely wouldn’t go near this Quirk. So I don’t see the downside as being that big of a deal.


They don’t get one-shot and if you have someone with even mediocre First Aid skill, you can heal them to full whenever you want for a measly 3 AP. In my experience, if you’re playing on normal difficulty, your strength-based high armor characters rarely, if ever, die in combat, even on difficult fights. I wouldn’t touch this Quirk with a ten foot pole. That said, the loss of Leadership (+10% Hit and various other buffs) is a fairly significant downside. Frankly, if you have the various speech skills in your party and you have your ranged characters start fights with surprise attacks, you should have no need for Initiative. Initiative allows your character to move before enemies if the enemies discover your party and start the fight. If the downside was just a mild inconvenience, this Quirk wouldn’t be worthwhile. Lone Wolf – Wasteland 3 Quirksįrankly, it’s irrelevant how bad the downside of this Quirk is, because Initiative is almost completely worthless. Getting the last point in a skill line costs 6 skill points, so this Quirk is costing you 18 skill points, AKA 6 levels of skill points.ģ5% status effect resistance is nice, but it’s not worth 18 skill points. Generally you end the game around level 25 and you can have 3 full skill lines. If you’re planning on making a Sniper, you should definitely give them either this Quirk or the Sadomasochist Quirk. For example, there’s a helmet that’s great for Snipers that has +15% Crit Chance. The thing to keep in mind is that armor has a bunch of passive bonuses. Additionally, Sniper shots require 6 AP.Īt full Coordination, you only get 11 AP, so you can’t take 2 shots every round with a Sniper unless you take this Quirk or you equip a +1 AP utility that you get about 2/3rds of the way through the game.

wasteland 3 quirks

Snipers don’t get attacked often, so the defensive benefits from armor don’t get much use. This Quirk is one of the better choices, especially on a Sniper. This Quirk makes your character look like a clown permanently throughout the game so… you might want to consider that. It’s a fairly nice bonus for a melee character. You’re definitely getting the most out of that deal. Detection time is pretty much a complete non-issue, so essentially you’re getting 0.4 Combat Speed (which increases how many spaces your character can move per action point) and 25% Crit Resistance at the expense of 10% evasion. I suppose this could be a worthwhile perk to use on a medium-range character, like a Small Arms or Assault Weapon character… if you’re not interested in a better Quirk and are just deciding between this perk or nothing. However, you’re not giving up much offense for much defense. Ultimately I’d say you’re losing more than you’re gaining with this perk purely because you’re giving up offense for defense.

wasteland 3 quirks

The armor isn’t that significant, but the combat speed also isn’t that significant. It’s a better choice than Blunderer, but not by much. I cannot imagine a situation where you would ever want to take this.

wasteland 3 quirks

Crit is tremendously valuable, and there are plenty of other ways to increase melee damage. Melee in Wasteland 3 is generally all about hitting multiple times with fairly low AP, medium/low damage moves. If you’re going to be using it, you’ll be using it for a Melee character, and sacrificing basically your entire ability to score critical hits for +15% melee damage is just not a good tradeoff, especially considering some melee special moves are specifically focused on crit. Blunderer – Wasteland 3 Quirksīlunderer is generally not a worthwhile Quirk. This Wasteland 3 Quirks Guide will give you the rundown on every Quirk available in Wasteland 3. If you’re just starting the game, you may want some insight into which Wasteland 3 Quirks are really good, which ones aren’t as good as they seem, and which ones are downright bad. In Wasteland 3 Quirks are special bonuses that also come with significant negative effects. There you can carefully plan out your own special character who will take the game by storm.Īmong the choices you have in the character creation process is a Quirk. If you’re playing Wasteland 3, you’re probably going to be spending a lot of your time on the character creation screen. If you’re wondering which Wasteland 3 Quirks are worthwhile and which you shouldn’t bother with, this is Wasteland 3 Quirks Guide is the guide for you.

Wasteland 3 quirks